
Let the Transparency Begin

Sooo, turns out creating a website is intense in ways I didn't expect.  I thought I'd snatch up a domain name, head over to squarespace (embedded in my brain from the 900 podcasts I listen to), sip on some Topo Chico while I clicked around to create a style, create some content, then VOILA! Website!!!! Yeah. No. Cultivate some mother fucking patience if you want to make a website, friends. I've been at this for a couple hours and it's not only time consuming but expensive to get it off the ground. I'm not really trying to do all that right now. I just want to make a sample page, send it to Holly to get excited about and edit, and move the fuck on. So here we are. Back at blogspot, where I started my very first website over 10 years ago. After some sweet nostalgia for those old posts, I'm finally getting this done. I gotta say. It's not how I expected, and that's ok. It still feels good.

Your Mindful Messes

Hi! Welcome to our site. We are Holly and Niki, two friends who met in yoga teacher training in 2012 in Austin, Texas. Since then we've supported each other as we try to live compassionately and peacefully in our crazy culture and day-to-day rigamorale.   The idea for this blog originated when we both attempted a 28-day vegan diet at the same time. It was new, fun, and exciting, but holy hell was it also frustrating AS F*CK. All of the online recipes and Instagram accounts we used for inspiration seemed to be stay-at-home food bloggers with unlimited budgets, We work outside the home and have many varied interests and hobbies. We do not have unlimited hours to spend in the kitchen, and although we can enjoy cooking, we do not love it with the passion of a thousand suns. We wanted to eat healthily and compassionately, but spending seemingly all day on Sundays prepping food for the week really kind of sucked. So we did what we've always don